325 South Highland Ave Suite 102 
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510



Every year, to honor our commitment to preventative care, we open our doors to the community for a whole day of free exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatment. Thank you, Senator Carlucci, for partnering with us this year to spread the message of early and preventative oral care for infants and children. A big thank you to all the wonderful patients and their families, and to our great team, that made this day so satisfying and fulfilling.

Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Perinatal and Infant Oral Health, Dental Radiographs (X-Rays) and Nitrous and General Anesthesia
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Pediatric Airways, Dental Radiographs (X-Rays) and Early Orthodontic Treatment
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Good Diet, Myobrace® and Perinatal and Infant Oral Health
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking, Nitrous and General Anesthesia and Pediatric Dental Appliances
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Myobrace®, Dental Emergencies and Eruption of Your Child's Teeth
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Early Orthodontic Treatment, Eruption of Your Child's Teeth and Nitrous and General Anesthesia
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | View All Procedures, Good Diet and Early Orthodontic Treatment

At Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry, we are so grateful to be given the opportunity to provide dental care to so many wonderful families that we like to thank them personally. So every year, we make it a point to have an event to express our gratitude. We started off with Halloween parties for our patients and asked that they come in costume to participate in activities for the evening and enjoy a magician’s show. It was a true delight to see these adorable children, and sometimes the parents, come in costume to the party!

Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Care for Your Child s Teeth, Dental Emergencies and Pediatric Dental Appliances

Eventually, as our practice grew, this became too big an event to contain in our premises. Last year, we had a Movie night at the Briarcliff Manor Law Park, where we showed “Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs”. This year, we were the key sponsors for the Briarcliff Public Library Memorial Day Walk.

Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Sippy Cups, Tobacco Use and Good Diet

We believe that we are truly blessed by opportunities to interact with the community and contribute in whatever way we possibly can. Every year, for Children’s Dental health month, we visit several day care facilities and schools to impart education about oral health to children and caregivers in a very easy-to-understand format. The children, even toddlers, thoroughly enjoy the singing and the lively presentation that our staff puts up. (if you would like us to visit your school or daycare center, please do call us at 914-762-4151 and we would be happy to do so!)

In addition, we also participate in local health fairs and events for children to promote oral health care, the importance of regular visits and talk about how early the first visit should be.

September 16, 2011

Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | First Visit, Pediatric Dentistry and Myobrace reg
Briarcliff Pediatric Dentistry | Pediatric Airways, Xylitol - Reducing Cavities and Tobacco Use

Dr. Bijoor was felicitated by Phelps Memorial Hospital for 5 years of service.

Contact Us

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